Photo: July 2005
Drinking coconut juice in the Philippines.
Photo: Feb 2011
Searching for Luke Skywalker in Tunisia.
Video: April 2015
Every week is "Bike Week" in Amsterdam.
Photo: June 2008
Strolling down our street in Saluzzo, Italy.

For the stories behind the photos, visit www.casteluzzo.com
Picturesque whitewashed mosques, ubiquitous Roman and Carthaginian ruins, ancient Berber graineries and STAR WARS film set... Tunisia
Fore Abbey, Tudenham House, Regency Period ruin, the Royal Canal, and the Irish countryside... courtesy of Rory Murphy and family.
Family Photos - Come meet us in pictures. See the houses we've lived in, our holidays, and the births of our children. In fact, you might even find yourself somewhere in these pages if we know you.
In search . . .
of a dream to call home. Mostly, we like it. Sometimes it gets a little out of hand, like the time we moved five times in one year.
Travelogues - We love nothing better than traveling, except perhaps documenting our travels in photographs and prose. Travel with us and see the world through our eyes.