Tony and Sarah met in 2003 when Sarah returned home from her mission. Tony was the young single adult rep. He invited Sarah to family home evening, where she fell instantly in love with his wicked goatee. The young single activities got more and more exclusive, until one sunset evening, Tony proposed. The rest is family history.
Courtship and Engagement
San Fransisco, monster trucking, scuba diving, and more!
Wedding Reception
Black roses and basketball hoops, and a grove of recycled Christmas trees.
Wedding Day
White lace and promises, and rockets to heaven.
San Diego in December, or how to cook mac and cheese in the
coffee maker
First Aniversary
Reflecting on the past year and expecting our first new family member.
4th Anniversary at La Jolla Cove
We recommend Cody Holcomb if you want a romantic shoot in San Diego.
Graduating Provo...and BYU!
After both serving missions, earning degrees from the "Y", getting
married, and having a baby, Tony and Sarah and ready to leave
Picture Collages
Meet Tony and Sarah before they met eachother
Sarah's Childhood Pictures
Trip to Guatemala, learning to play the harp, acting in plays with siblings, fun at the renaissance fair, and much much more!
Tony's Childhood Pictures
The tooth fairy, swim team in Duri, pet monkey Suzy turtle Shelby, scouting, and a bunch of school pictures.
Vintage Video of Tony's Childhood
Vintage footage of Tony and his brothers, sister, cousins, uncles, and grandparents. Ranging from 1988 to 2003 and including basketball, baseball, sledding in Lake Tahoe, Indonesia and more!
Indonesia (1992-1995)
Video of teen-age Tony living with his family in Duri, Indonesia.
"Our Journey Halfway Around the World"
Tony's high school project to scrapbook his move to Indonesia with his parents and two younger siblings in the early 90s.
Elder "Tony" Familia
Philippines, Manila Mission 1998 - 2000.
Kissing Selfies
Documenting our lives through kissing.
Renewing Vows in Iceland
Grammy and Pampa took the kids to California for a month during the summer, so Sarah and Tony did the only sensible they could think of: take a romantic holiday to Iceland to renew wedding vows.
Sarah gets (very) sick :(
Shortly after our holiday to Umbria, Sarah planned a short writing retreat for a few days for herself just over the border into Germany. She ended up getting very very sick...
20th Wedding Anniversary
Tony and Sarah celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary with a romantic trip on the night train to Prague!