2023/2024 - Camping and Outdoor Climbing, France  

  Tony started bouldering indoors in 2023. The rest of the family tried it out and evetually Sarah and Tony got top rope certified. In May, Tony, Sarah and Raj went outdoor climbing and camping in France with friends.


Beta Boulders, Amsterdam
One of many bouldering gyms in Amsterdam, Beta Boulder is the closest (and the best). Raj and Tony have a monthly subscription and Sarah visits 1-2 times a month.



the very nice cafe at the gym (it also have a co-working space where Tony works from weekly)

Sarah defying gravity

Tony doing (and filming) his first 6a route

we also formed a "Beta Boardgaming" group which Tony and Raj went to almost every Sunday


Lyra <3

Bergdorf, Luxemburg
One of the friends Tony made at Beta Boulders was Milen, an experienced outdoor rope climber. Milen tagged along for a camping/climbing trip to Luxembourg and was hooked.

camping :)

Milen, Jeroen, and Tony
(left to right)

this area of Luxembourg is also where Axa and Raj came for school trips to study geology and rock formations during high school

short walk through "The Labyrinth"

so many beautiful outdoor hikes

there are about 300 routes in Bergdorf

Mountain Network, Amsterdam
After Tony's trip to Bergdorf, Luxembourg, Sarah and a group of friends all decided to learn the equipment and techniques for rope climbing from another local gym - Mountain Network.

Sarah with her new gear

Sarah and Yona (right)


Merry sur Yonne, France
Now that we are top rope certified, we wanted to have another trip with our outdoor climbing friends to do it outdoors. The location was Rochers du Saussoi right next to the little town of Merry sur Yonne, France.

it was a 7 hour drive from Amsterdam to the location south of Paris, but also very picturesque

there were 12 ppl total

when you are camping... but you order fresh morning croissants because you also in France

Sarah and Yona

the area was spectacular

we didn't bring Lyra, but this cute little dog came with another climber in our group

Tony climbing a 4c

Raj climbing his first outdoor 5c

and then Sarah

and also Tony

treating ourselves to a delicious local french restaurant
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