 looking down Via Roma from Piazza Galimberti in Cuneo |
 splitting wood for the winter |

 The chesnut festival in Cuneo. |
 roasting our own chesnuts with Beatrice. |
 Cuneo Branch christmas program |
 costumes courtesy of Axa (crown made by Grandma Betty) |
 Pianfei has the most impressive nativity scene ever. |
 Corso never lets us down... gelato in the summer and hot chocolate in the winter. |
 Pampa mailed us an ESKIMOLD so we could build a REAL IGLOO! |

 Raj scraping the ESKIMOLD block |
 Capacity = 1 Tony OR 3 bobbles |

 Axa's first snow fort! |
 Santa's little elf busy making presents for everyone. |


 presents from Axa |
 presents from Grandma Betty |